Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • The Dramatic Simile of Life. Private presses (Ph. Boukouri), Athens, 1960. 95p. Sewn. Some pen on front cover. (Rare).'The present paper has developed as a counterfoil to an earlier, yet unpublished, study of Lucian as a source of technical information on the theatre of his period. Indeed, in the course of the examination of relevant passages in that sophist and his contemporaries, the writer grew more and more curious to find to what extent Lucian's indulgence in similes and metaphors drawn from the theatre was the result of a direct contact with stage people, as argued by Householder, or due to an adherance to exablished literary conventions. He then concluded that, whereas scenic figures probably came to Lucian by way of the rhetorical schools, popular philosophers and earlier writers, Lucian's own tastes as well as his individual technique are maily responible for his extensive use of the figures. But, at the same time, many of his comparisons, whatever their ultimate sponsorship, probably took shape and were brought up-to-date to meet current stage practices.' (From the preface by the author). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 45.00 (Antiquarian)

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