Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Iranica Selecta. Studies in honour of Professor Wojciech Skalmowski on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. Brepols, Turnhout, 2003. XXI,282p. ills. Cloth. Series: Silk Road Studies VIII.A.o.: L. BEDNARCZUK: Consonant Lenition in Iranian (pp.1-15); W. BEX: The Visit of Shah Mozaffer ad-Din to Ostend in 1902 (pp.15-37); K. D'HULSTER: The Sojourn of Nasir ad-Din Shah Qajar in Belgium (pp.49-67); A. KRASNOWOLSKA: Introductions to Persian Epic Poems (pp.121-131); M. MACUCH: On the Treatment of Animals in Zoroastrian Law (pp.167-191); R. SCHMITT: Minima Cuneiformia: Bemerkungen zu Dareios' Suez-Inschriften (pp.201-213); P. SWIGGERS: Autour de problèmes de linguistique indo-européenne et générale: de Wackernagel à Meillet (pp.225-239); A. van TONGERLOO: Two Manichaean Ladies (pp.257-263). € 42.50 (Antiquarian) ISBN: 9782503514666

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