Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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    Catullan Questions. Leicester University Press, n.p., 1969. IX,70p. Sewn. Cardboard. 'The theme of this little book is that Catullus arranged his poems deliberately and carefully. )...) Wiseman's views on the deliberate ordering of the poems depends to a considerable extent on his identification of several 'programmatic' poems. (...) None of these interpretations is impossible, but none completely compelling. Wiseman is probably right to reject the view that the order of the poems in our manuscripts is that of a later compiler. But it is one thing to ascribe to Catullus the failry obvious general division - first the polymetric poems, with the majority of the poems concerning Lesbia and Juventius in recognizable groups, then the long poems, lastly the elegiacvs. It is another to claim that Catullus intended his readers to be aware of elaborate cross-references, and to see significance in the position of almost every individual poem.'(JOHN BRISCOE in The Journal of Roman Studies, 1971, p.303). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux. (Antiquarian)  (approx. delivery time: undeliverable) ISBN: 9780718510855

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