Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Vitruvian Man. Rome under Construction. Oxford University Press, 2019. 240p. Hardback. This elegantly written book can be seen as part of an ongoing 'Vitruvius moment' generated by the encounter of the European tradition of scholarship on technical treatises and the Anglophone tradition of literary studies in classics.... This extremely readable volume constitutes an important contribution to scholarship, not least because it indirectly raises an important question: by concentrating on Vitruvius the literary author at the expense of Vitruvius the historical figure, by moving him from the margins to the centre of the canon, is his potential for disrupting our view of ancient culture lost? Journal of Roman Studies |a 14/03/2023 (Publisher's information). € 92.40 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780190696986