292 results found within keyword: "Mythology"
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ESTUDIOS CLÁSICOS. Órgano de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, Tomo XLI,115. Madrid, 1999. 222p. Paperback. Bottom edge bit bubbled through moist.A.o.: Ó. ADÁN: Prometeo, pensador de la 'necesidad' en Esquilo (pp.7-29); Ó. MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA: Fortuna' del mito de Teseo: del renacimiento hasta el siglo XIX(pp.51-75). € 12.00 (Antiquarian)
FABELTIERE UND DÄMONEN. Die phantastische Welt der Mischwesen. Edition Leipzig, 1977. 2nd ed. 279p. Richly ills. Cloth wrps. € 31.50 (Antiquarian)
HANDELINGEN VAN HET DERTIGSTE NEDERLANDSE PHILOLOGEN-CONGRES gehouden te Leiden 10-11 april 1968. Wolters, Groningen, 1952. 160p. Sewn. Pen markings on pp.155-157. A.o.: G. NUCHELMANS: Is er nog taalfilosofie (pp.22-32); J.J. OVERSTEEGEN: Twee manieren van interpreteren (pp.48-52); J.C.M. van WINDEN: Christendom en filosofie (pp.85-87); J.A.K.E. de WAELE: De datering van het 'Herakleion' te Akragas. € 10.50 (Antiquarian)
HANDELINGEN VAN HET TWEE EN TWINTIGSTE NEDERLANDSE PHILOLOGEN-CONGRES gehouden te Utrecht 17-18 april 1952. Wolters, Groningen, 1952. 115p. Sewn.A.o.: H. WAGENVOORT: Eilanden der zaligen (pp.8-17); E.J. DIJKSTERHUIS: Clio's Stiefkind (pp.92-115). € 13.50 (Antiquarian)
MOZAIEK. Mythen, Sagen en Legenden naverteld door J.L. Walch. TjeenkWillink, Zwolle, n.d. 3rd ed. 133p. Folding map. Sewed. Head and tail back bit worn. € 10.50 (Antiquarian)
NEW LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHOLOGY. Introduction by Robert Graves. Hamlyn, London (...), 1968/75/78. XI,500p. ills. Wireless.With contributions of G.H. Luquet, J. Viau, F. Guirand, L. Delaporte, A.-V. Pierre, J.X.W.P. Corcoran, E. Tonnelat, G. Alexinsky, P. Masson_Oursel, L. Morin, O.I. Tai, O. Bruhl, M. Fauconnet, and G.-H. Luquet. € 10.00 (Antiquarian)
METZLER LEXIKON ANTIKER BILDMOTIVE. Von P. Preston. Übersetz und überatbeitet von S. Bugotovac und K. Broderson. Mit Abbildungen von Abgüssen aus der Mannheimer Antikensaalgalerie von St. Eichler. Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar, 1997. XIII,249p. Cloth. Signature on free endpaper. € 19.50 (Antiquarian)
A.I.O.N. Annali dell'istituto universitatrio orientale di Napoli. XXV, 2003. Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, Pisa / Roma, 2003. 205p. Sewn. A.o.: G. CERRI: Odisseo, l'eroe che narra se stesso (pp.9-29); L. FERRERI: La fortuna della redazione pisistratea in età umanistica. La Questione omerica nei secoli XVI e XVII (pp.29-87); R. PALMISCIANO: Mitologie, riti e forme del lamento funebre tradizionale (pp.87-113); A. VARONE: Virgilio nella Villa di San Marco a Stabia (pp.185-195). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 27.50 (Antiquarian)
HERRSCHER, KRIEGER UND GELIEBTE. Antike Götter und ihr Himmel. Katalog zu einer Ausstellung von L. Zemmer-Plank. Sonderausstellung Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, 30. Mai bis 27. August 1989. Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, 1989. 95p. ills.(B&w and full colour photographs). Paperback. € 12.50 (Antiquarian)
LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MYTHOLOGY. Introduction by Robert Graves. Batchword Press London (...), 1959. XI,500p. Richly ills. Cloth wrps. Wrps worn. Bit yellowed. With contributions of G.H. Luquet, J. Viau, F. Guirand, L. Delaporte, A.-V. Pierre, J.X.W.P. Corcoran, E. Tonnelat, G. Alexinsky, P. Masson_Oursel, L. Morin, O.I. Tai, O. Bruhl, M. Fauconnet, and G.-H. Luquet. € 10.00 (Antiquarian)