197 results found within keyword: "Aeschylus"
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ESTUDIOS CLÁSICOS. Órgano de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, Tomo XLI,115. Madrid, 1999. 222p. Paperback. Bottom edge bit bubbled through moist.A.o.: Ó. ADÁN: Prometeo, pensador de la 'necesidad' en Esquilo (pp.7-29); Ó. MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA: Fortuna' del mito de Teseo: del renacimiento hasta el siglo XIX(pp.51-75). € 12.00 (Antiquarian)
LANGENSCHEIDTSCHE BIBLIOTHEK sämtlicher griechischen und römischen Klassiker in neueren deutschen Musterübersetzungen. 1. Band: ÄSCHYLOS. Inhalt: Agamemnon. Das Totenopfer. Die Eumeniden. Der gefesselte Prometheus. Die Sieben von Theben. Die Perser. Die Schutzfleheneden. In den Versmaßen der Urschrift von J.J.C. Donner. Langenscheidt, Berlin/Stuttgart, 1855-1913. VIII,214,263p. Bound. Library marks. € 18.50 (Antiquarian)
MNEMOSYNE. A Journal of Classical Studies. Series IV. Vol.LIX, fasc.1. Brill, Leiden, 2006. 158,XIIp. Sewn.A.o.: C.A. FARAONE: Stanzaic Structure and Responsion in the Elegiac Poetry of Tyrtaeus (pp.19-53); M. GIORDANA-ZECHARYA: Ritual Appropriateness in Seven Against Thebes. Civic Religion in a Time of War (pp.53-75); R. LAURIOLA: Athena and the Paphlagonian in Aristophanes' Knights. Reconsidering Equites 1090-5, 1172-81 (pp.75-95). € 18.50 (Antiquarian)
MUSEUM HELVETICUM. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für klassische Altertumswissenschaft (...), Jahrgang 6, 1949. Schwabe, Basel, 1949. 256p. Rebound.A.o.: W. CAPELLE: Theophrast über Pflanzenentartung (pp.57-84); W. EHLERS: Die Gründungsprodigien von Lavinium und Alba Longa (pp.166-175); H. FUCHS: Zu zwei Szenen der Mostellaria (pp.105-126); G. KLAFFENBACH: Zu griechischen Inschriften (pp.216-249); F. LASSERRE: Les Zantriae d'Eschyle (pp.140-156); P. MOREAUX: Einige Bemerkungen über den Aufbau von Aristoteles' Schrift De caelo (pp.157-165); B. WYSS: Gregor von Nazianz. Ein griechisch-christlicher Dichter des 4. Jahrhunderts (pp.177-210). € 15.50 (Antiquarian)
POETARUM SCENICORUM GRAECORUM AESCHYLI SOPHOCLIS EURIPIDIS ET ARISTOPHANIS. Fabulae superstites et perditarum fragmenta ex recensione et cum prolegomenis G. Dindorfii. Teubner, Leipzig, 1869. 5th rev.ed. XV,58,127,172,376,232p. Interleaved [pen and pencil annotations]. Bound. [5.75 kg]. € 79.50 (Antiquarian)
CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY, Vol.82, number 4. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1987. IV,285-385p. Sewn. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper. A.o.: M. GAGARIN: Morality in Homer (pp.285-307); H. LLOYD-JONES: A Note on Homeric Morality (pp.307-311); A.W.H. ADKINS: Gagarin and the 'Morality' of Homer (pp.311-323). From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover. € 8.00 (Antiquarian)
ESSAYS ON CLASSICAL LITERATURE. Selected from Arion and introduced by N. Rudd. Heffer, Cambridge, 1972. XX,275p. Sewn. Series: Views and controversies.A.o.: D. YOUNG: Never blotted a line? Formula and premediatation in Homer and Hesiod (pp.33-79); Th. GOULD: Plato's hostility to art (pp.79-103); C.J. HERINGTON: Senecan tragedy (pp.169-221); D.S. CARNE-ROSS: The gaiety of language (pp.221-245). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 16.00 (Antiquarian)
THE SERPENT SON. Aeschylus: Oresteia. Translated by F. Raphael and K. McLeish. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (...), 1979. XV,137p. Cloth wrps. Personal notes (a comparison between this translation and Lowell's Oresteia) from WGA loosely inserted.'It provides undoubtedly the best acting version of the whole trilogy now available in English.' (W.GEOFFREY ARNOTT in Greece & Rome, 1980, p.85). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 16.00 (Antiquarian)
ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA TRAGEDIA GRIEGA. Cuadernos de la 'Fundación Pastor', 13. Taurus, Madrid, 1966. 141p. Soft cover. Sewn. Unopened. (Rare).Contents: HUGH LLOYD-JONES: Problems of early Greek tragedy, Pratinas, Phrynichus, the Gyges fragment (pp.9-35); M. FERNÁNDEZ-GALIANO: Los dos primeros coros del 'Agamemnon'de Esquilo (pp.35-75); F. RODRÍGUEZ ADRADOS: Sófocles y el panorama ideológico de su época (pp.75-105); A. TOVAR: Aspectos de la 'Helena' de Eurípides (pp.105-139). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 45.00 (Antiquarian)
GRIECHISCHE TRAGÖDIEN. Herausgegeben und erläutert von H.J. Meinerts. Im Bertelsmann Lesering (Rütten und Loening), München, n.d. 543p. Bound wrps. Thin paper. Wrps on spine discoloured. Inhalt: Aischylos: Agamemnon. Die Choephoren. Die Eumeniden. Sophokles: König ödipus. Antigone. Euripides: Medea. Iphigenie in Aulis. Iphigenie bei den Tauren. Alkestis. Erläuterungen. Nachwort. € 16.00 (Antiquarian)