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KYRIAZOPOULOU, S., and T. PHOITETOON, (eds.), Herakleitos, mia phrontistiriaki ereuna. Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sciences, Athinai, 1973. 299p. Cloth. Small personal library mark and name on free endpaper.A.o.: A. VLACHOPOULOU: O Herakleitos kai i epochi tou (pp.22-33); P. NOYTSOS: O Herakleitos mesa stin historia (pp.40-55); M. TZAPHLIDOU: Platoonismos tou Herakleitou – Herakleitismos tou Platoonos (pp.73-89); D. SOUFLEROS: Idealismos I phusiokratia (pp.125-141). Summary in English. Zusammenfassung auf deutsch. From the library of the late Sir Kenneth James Dover. € 37.50 (Antiquarian)