Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • A Greek Grammar. Cambridge University Press, 2012. 516p. Paperback. Series: Cambridge Library Collection - Classics. John Thompson (c.1866–1936) was Classics master and headmaster (1908–27) at the prestigious High School, Dublin. A competent linguist, he translated from German, produced a Latin primer, and wrote a Sanskrit course, though he opposed the teaching of Irish. He became a Member of the Royal Irish Academy (1912), President of the Classical Association (1918) and was appointed Officier d'Académie by the French government (1927). This work, first published in 1902, was intended for both the beginner and the more advanced student. It concentrates on Attic Greek, covering accidence in part one and syntax in part two, with appendices on accents and sound changes, Homeric accidence, and the weights, measures and calendar used by Attic Greeks. The work was popular with generations of teachers and pupils. It remains a useful resource for the modern student of Greek, and for readers interested in the history of Classics education. (Publisher's information). € 44.90 (New) (Printed on Demand)  (approx. delivery time: 4 weeks) ISBN: 9781108050890