Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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    Ephemeridos Belli Troiani libri a Lucio Setptimo ex Graeco in Latinum sermonem translati. Accedunt papyri Dictys Graeci in Eagypto iventae edidit W. Eisenhut. Teubner, Leizpig, 1973. LII,151p. Half cloth. Series: Bibliotheca Teubneriana. 'Dictys Cretensis, supposed companion of Idomeneus at Troy and alleged author of an account of the Trojan War, fragments survive from a Greek version of the 2nd / 3rd cent. AD. The extant 'Ephemeris belli Troiani (c. 4th cent. AD), relating the Troy-saga from Cypria to Telegony is a translation of this work, by one L. Septimius, and (...) was much read in the Greekless Middle Ages.' (STEPHEN J. HARRISON in The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd rev.ed. 2003, p.465). (Antiquarian)  (approx. delivery time: undeliverable)

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