Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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    The epistrategos in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. Part 2. The Roman epistrategos. Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen, 1982. 247p. Original blue cloth with dust wrps. Series: Abhandlungen der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderreihe Papyrologica Coloniensia, Vol. VI. Nice copy. 'This volume is a milestone in detailed studies of Roman provincial administration and sets new standards for prosopographical handlists (...). The book divides into three sections. The first of these, 'The Nature of the Office' (pp.11-68), has an important discussion of the administrative divisions of Egypt a a necessary preliminary to examining how many epistrategi there were and the geographical extent of their sphere of authority. (...) The second section, 'The Duties of the Epistrategos', is the longest in the book (pp.69-183 and attempts to delineate his sphere of authority in the areas of liturgies, civic administration and jurisdiction. This last aspect is of particular importance and occupies a proportionae amount of space, and the highly-detailed coverage goes from petitions and the manner of response to them, through delgaion of cases to the epistrategos from above and referral of cases by him to lower officials, to actual trials, and is backed by sixteen pages of tabulated evidence. (...) The third section, 'A List of Epistrategoi', is the part of the book to which papyrologistst are going to turn more than any other, and it is both masterly and exemplary. (...) This is a solid piece of research (...). Sufffice it to say that there was scarcely a question about the epistrategos I wanted to ask to which T. does not readily provide an answer.' (REVEL COLES in The Classical Review (New Series), 1984, pp.93-94). (Antiquarian)  (approx. delivery time: undeliverable) ISBN: 9783531099149

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