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[ SOLD OUT ] FERRARA, S., Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions. Volume 2: The Corpus. Oxford University Press, 2013. 318p. Hardback. make a substantial, much-needed contribution to the field of Cypriot epigraphy. Thanks to Silvia Ferrara, we can now see a large number of Cypro-Minoan inscriptions in context and understand their media in a more comprehensive manner. Moreover, the author vindicates a more unitary way of looking at the script, which might prove fruitful in future investigations ... Ultimately, all scholars working on the script, even those who are concerned mainly with deciphermentaimed work, have reason to praise the publication of Cypro-Minoan Inscriptions. Miguel Valerio, Bibliotheca Orientalis |a 19/08/2015 (Publisher's information). (New) (Printed on Demand) (approx. delivery time: undeliverable) ISBN: 9780199693825