Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Worshippers of the Gods. Debating Paganism in the Fourth-Century Roman West. Oxford University Press, 2020. 252p. Hardback. Series: Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity. Gassman forcefully and compellingly provides a narrative of the 'polymorphic' discourse on 'traditional Roman Religion' in the fourth century (168). His book is very good, very clear and erudite.... Those who teach or research Christian polemic or apologetic, fourth century paganism, or Roman religious history more broadly will need to reckon with Gassman's book. And those working closely on one of the figures or works he considers closely, such as Lactantius or Symmachus' Relatio 3, will be well served by Gassman's erudite and often unique analysis in the relevant sections. Bryn Mawr Classical Review |a 25/04/2022 (Publisher's information). € 96.47 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780190082444