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  • Pseudo-Manetho, Apotelesmatica, Books Two, Three, and Six. Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary. Oxford University Press, 2020. 1040p. Hardback. A spectacular piece of scholarship ... What makes this book nevertheless a pleasure to read is the (largely) accessible, humorous and warm manner in which it is written: there is, for example, a recurring joke about garum (226, 279) and a self-aware comment about Lightfoot's famous (to some) haunt in Oxford's Bodleian Library (371). So be under no illusion that diving into the world of the Apotelesmatica will be a disorientating experience for most students and scholars of the Greek and Roman world; but know also that you could have no more genial or supportive a guide. Max Leventhal, Bryn Mawr Classical Review |a 06/04/2022 (Publisher's information). € 220.80 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780198858782