Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Philosophy for Girls. An Invitation to a Life of Thought. Oxford University Press, 2020. 320p. Paperback. Though the volume centers on the idea of initiating girls and young women into philosophy and the tradition of thoughtful Persephone, the text is important for boys and men of all ages because it highlights gender biases and gaps in philosophy as well as recognizes the contribution of female scholars. The essays are well written and interesting, and will be significant in the fields of philosophy, women's studies, and gender issues. The text is accessible for those outside the field of philosophy as well. The etext and paperback are reasonably priced. This reviewer will be employing the book in her women philosophers course. A good resource for those who are interested in contemplation, identity, reasoning, and philosophical thinking... Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-division undergraduates; researchers and faculty; general readers. Choice |a 09/07/2021 (Publisher's information). € 40.07 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780190072926