Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Karl Barth. A Life in Conflict. Oxford University Press, 2021. 480p. Hardback. This is a maginificent, engrossing lucid and comprehensive treatment of the most important theologian of the modern era. Tietz has given not only to Barth scholarship but also to the history of theology in the twentieth century a great gift. We are in her debt. She reminds us of Barth's abiding preoccupation with God, and specifically with Jesus Christ who is the event God's grace, a new beginning between God and humanity that is grounded solely in God. She also helps us undertsand something of the conflicts that this preoccupation encouraged. Christopher R. J. Holmes, Pro Ecclesia Jan 2023 |a 14/03/2023 (Publisher's information). € 41.43 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780198852469