Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Inspiration and Institution in Christian History: Volume 57. Cambridge University Press, 2021. 398p. Hardback. Series: Studies in Church History. Since the apostolic age, Christian churches have seen a constant dialectic between inspiration and institution: how the ungoverned spontaneity of Spirit-led religion negotiates its way through laws, structures and communities. If institutional frameworks are absent or insufficient, new, creative and dynamic expressions of Christianity can disappear or collapse into disorder almost as quickly as they have flared up. If those frameworks are excessively rigid or punitive, they can often quench the spirit of any new movements. This volume explores the interplay between inspirational movements and institutional structures throughout Christianity's history, examining how the paradox of inspiration and institution has been negotiated from the ancient world to the modern era, tracing how different Christian movements have striven to hold these two vital aspects of their faith together, often finding creative or unexpected ways to institutionalize inspiration or to breathe new life into their institutions. (Publisher's information). € 78.89 (New) (Printed on Demand)  (approx. delivery time: 4 weeks) ISBN: 9781316514801