Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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    Knowing Illusion: Bringing a Tibetan Debate into Contemporary Discourse. Volume I: A Philosophical History of the Debate. Oxford University Press, 2022. 384p. Paperback. I celebrate the arrival of this extraordinary book. It marks an important step forward in our understanding of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. Any philosopher interested in epistemology and metaphysics will here gain perspective on how these issues have been debated in Tibet for more than five hundred years. And scholars of Buddhist studies will find real clarity about the philosophical dimensions of long-standing divisions among the Sakya, Geluk, and Kagyu traditions. Guy Newland, Central Michigan University, Journal of Religion Jul 2023 |a 18/07/2023 (Publisher's information). (New)  (approx. delivery time: undeliverable) ISBN: 9780197603635