Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Consciences and the Reformation. Scruples over Oaths and Confessions in the Era of Calvin and His Contemporaries. Oxford University Press, 2023. 280p. Hardback. Series: OXFORD STU IN HISTORICAL THEOLOGY SERIES. 'Let your yes mean yes, your no mean no.' In the history of biblical interpretation, very few commands of Christ have been more vigorously debated or roundly ignored than Jesus' statement on oaths. Scheuers' detailed and critical study uses Calvin's approach to and demands for oath taking as a strategic way to pry open the reformers' understandings of communal reform, liberty, and the conscience in the Reformation era. David M. Whitford, Professor of Reformation Studies, Baylor University Apr 2023 |a 21/04/2023 (Publisher's information). € 73.37 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780197692141