Scrinium Classical Antiquity

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  • Daniel After Babylon. The Additions in the History of Interpretation. Oxford University Press, 2024. 192p. Hardback. Series: Reception of Old Testament Apocrypha. Jennie Grillo's Daniel After Babylon is an enlightening and enriching journey, tracing major themes from the Additions to Daniel through their developments in both Jewish and Christian contexts. She demonstrates that she is astute reader and interpreter of these fascinating Apocryphal passages, and moreover, that she is a gifted guide, leading the reader through a fascinating set of investigations into their afterlife, which combine diverse methodologies, including material history, literary readings, visual and artistic analysis, and theological explorations. Her lucid writing invites the reader to join her in this quest and makes this book a pleasure to read. Michael Segal, Father Takeji Otsuki Professor of Biblical Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Nov 2023 |a 29/11/2023 (Publisher's information). € 103.27 (New)  (approx. delivery time: 14 days) ISBN: 9780198868200