Intransitivizations in Latin.
Almqqvist & Wiksell, Uppsala, 1977. 151p. Sewn. Series: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 9. 'This useful monograph deals with 'the development of intransitivizations in Latin from the earliest period to the beginning of Medieval Latin' (p.9). F. begins with a good elucidation of his terminology, in which he avoids the mistake of treating as transitive only those verbs which have an expressed accusative object. The distinction between intransitive verbs and transitive verbs used absolutely is also well discussed. F. briebly describes the factors which caused transitive verbs to develop as intransitives on pp.22-3 (e.g. ellipse of an object, deletion of a reflexive pronoun, the influence of the present participle - which could always have both an active and a medio-passive sense - on the finite forms, analogy of various types). (...) F.'s monograph is a good presentation of an important body of evidence. His careful scholarship is apparent both in his classification of the material, and in various interesting observations on points of detail.' (J.N ADAMS in The Classical Review (New Series), 1979, pp.171-72). From the library of Prof. Carl Deroux.
€ 18.50