16 results found within keyword: "Gellius"
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ESTUDIOS CLÁSICOS. Órgano de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, Tomo XL,113. Madrid, 1998. 224p. Paperback.A.o.: Fr. MOLINA: Quinteto para dioses músicos en la mitología griega (pp.7-37); R.D. MÉNDEZ: La Mujer en Tio Livio (pp.37-47); J.M. REQUEJO PRIETO: La reproducción del discurso en los autores latinos. Informe crítico y propuestas (pp.89-109). € 12.00 (Antiquarian)
AEVUM ANTIQUUM, 1 - 1988. A cura di G. Tarditi. Vita e Pensiero, Pubblicazioni dell'Universita Cattolica,1988. 264p. Sewn. (Rare).A.o.: G. TARDITI: Per una lettura degli epigrammatisti greci (pp.5-77); L. di GREGORIO: Gellio e il teatro (pp.95-149); G.G. BELLONI: Note sulle virtù romane (pp.181-193); G.G. BIFFINO: Funzioni strutturali e stilistiche delle parentesi nelle 'Metamorfosi' di Ovidio (pp.247-261). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 42.50 (Antiquarian)
TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION 1894. Vol. XXV. Ginn & Company, Boston (Mass.), 1894. 164,LXXXVIIIp. Sewn. Cover worn and bit water stained. Back cover loose. Some titles of contributions handwritten on front cover.A.o.: Ch. KNAPP: Notes on the Prepositions in Gellius (pp.5-34); F.G. MOORE: On 'Urbs Aeterna' and 'Urbs Sacra' (pp.34-61); Ch. FORSTER SMITH: Some Poetical constructions in Thucydides (pp.61-82); Ch.P.G. SCOTT: English Words which have Gaind or Lost an Initial Consonant by Attraction (pp.82-140); A. GUDEMAN: Literary Frauds among the Romans (pp.140164); E.W. FAY: The song of the Arval Brothers: The Manes worship in the Aryan period (p.V-XI); Ch.P.G.SCOTT: Omission as a Means of Phonetic Representation (p.XI-XVIII); J.W. WHITE: The Opisthodomus on the Acropolis at Athens (pp.XXXV-XLII); M. WARREN: A Literary Judgment of Fronto (XLII-XLV). From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 12.50 (Antiquarian)
DICKEY, Eleanor, and Anna CHAHOUD, (eds.), Colloquial and Literary Latin. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2016. 1st paperback ed. XVIII,515p. Paperback. 'This volume is worthy of the great scholar and expert on 'colloquial' Latin to whom it has been dedicated.' (GERD HAVERLING in Journal of Roman Studies, 2011). € 30.00 (New)
GELLIUS, Les nuits attiques. Livres I à XX. (Texte et) Traduction nouvelle avec introduction et notes par M. Mignon. Garnier, Paris, n.d. 3 vols. XXXI,370,420,445p. Sewn. Spine (partly) (bit) worn. Cover vol.3 some stains. € 61.00 (Antiquarian)
GELLIUS, Die Attischen Nächte. Zum ersten Male vollständig übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen von F. Weiss. Erster Band: I.-VIII. Zweiter Band: IX.-XX. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1965. (Photomechanical reprint ed.Leipzig, 1875/76). 2 vols. XVI,408;502p. Cloth. Spine vol.2 with light stain. € 30.00 (Antiquarian)
GELLIUS, Noctium Atticarum libri XX. Recensuit C. Hosius. Vol. I. Libri I-X. Vol.II. Libri XI-XX. Teubner, Leipzig, 1967/59. Photomechanical reprint 1st ed.1903. 2 vols. LXIV,378;372p. Cloth. Upper corners vol.1 slightly bumped. Else fine. Series: Bibliotheca Teubneriana. € 55.00 (Antiquarian)
GELLIUS, Noctium Atticarum libri XX. Ad optimas editiones collati praemittitur notitia literaria accedunt indices studiis Societatis Bipontiae. Vol.I. Vol.II. Indices. Ex Typographia Societatis, Biponti, 1784. Editio accurata. XXII,370;328,(72)p. Half leather bound. Title vignettes gone. Spine seriously damaged. Front hinges vol.I cracked. Cover vol.2 loose. Binding tight.Notitia literaria de Aulo Gellio ex Jo.Alb. Fabricii Bibliotheca latina a Jo. Aug. Ernesti auctius edita Tom. III, Cap. I. / Index editionum Auli Gellii emendatior auctioque Gronoviano et Fabriciano, in aetates IV Digestus. From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 85.00 (Antiquarian)
GELLIUS, Noctes Atticae. Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit P.K. Marshall. Tomus I. Libri I-X. Tomus II. Libri XI-XX. (complete). Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1968. 2 vols. XXXIII,654p. Original blue cloth. Signature on title page. Series: Oxford Classical Texts. € 75.00 (Antiquarian)
GELLIUS, Noctes Atticae. Textauswahl und Erläuterungen. Schöningh, Paderborn, 1977. 66p. Sewn. Spine bit worn. cover bit grimy. Upper corner slightly bumped. Series: Lateinische Klassiker, 10714. € 8.00 (Antiquarian)