125 results found within keyword: "Loeb"
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APOSTOLIC FATHERS. With an English translation by K. Lake. In two volumes. Volume II: The Sherperd of Hermas. The Martyrdom of Polycarp. The Epistle to Diognetus. Heinemann / MacMillan, London / NewYork, 1913. 396p. Cloth. Upper edge gilded. End pages a bit yellowed. Series: Loeb Classical Library. € 15.00 (Antiquarian)
REMAINS OF OLD LATIN. Newly edited and translated by E.H. Warmington. (In three volumes): I. Ennius and Caecilius. Harvard University Press/Heinemann, Cambridge (Mass.)/London, 1961. XXXIII,598p. Original red cloth. signature on free endpaper. Series: Loeb Classical Library, LCL 294. € 13.50 (Antiquarian)
SELECT PAPYRI (in five volumes). III: Literary Papyri. Poetry. Texts, translations and notes by D.L. Page. Heinemann / Harvard University Press, London / Cambridge (Mass.), 1962. XIX,616p. Cloth. Series: Loeb Classical Library. € 15.00 (Antiquarian)
THE GREEK ANTHOLOGY. Books I-VI, books VII-VIII, book IX. With an English translation by W.R. Paton. (Greek - English). Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) (...), 1993,2000,n.d.(reprint 1st ed.1913). 3 vols. XIV,498;517,455p. Cloth wrps. € 62.50 (Antiquarian)
HELLENISTIC COLLECTION. Philitas. Alexander of Aetolia. Hermesianax. Euphorion. Parthenius. Edited and translated by J.L. Lightfoot. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) / London, 2009. XIX,662p. Cloth wrps. Series: Loeb Classical Library, LCL 508. € 33.00 (Antiquarian)
MINOR ATTIC ORATORS. Vol. I. Antiphon. Andocides. With an English translation by K.J. Maidment. Vol. II. Lycurgus. Demades. Dinarchus. Hyperides. With an English translation by J.O. Burtt. Heinemann / Harvard University Press, London / Cambridge (Mass.), 1960/62. 2 vols. XIII,588;XV,620. Cloth. With signature from Prof. W.G. Arnott on free endpaper.From the library of the late Prof. W. Geoffrey Arnott. € 32.50 (Antiquarian)
THE SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. With an English translation by D. Magie. Volume I. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) / London, 2006. Reprint 1st ed.1921. XXXVIII,493p. Cloth wrps. Series: Loeb Classical Library, LCL 139. € 21.50 (Antiquarian)
THE SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. With an English translation by D. Magie. Volume III. Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.) / London, 2006. Reprint 1st ed.1932. XI,529p. Cloth wrps. Series: Loeb Classical Library, LCL 263. € 21.50 (Antiquarian)
SELECT PAPYRI. In five volumes. II: Non-Literary Papyri. Public Documents. With an English translation by A.S. Hunt and C.C. Edgar. Heinemann, London, 1956. XXXVII,638p. Reprint 1st ed. Cloth. Series: Loeb Classical Library, 262. € 14.00 (Antiquarian)
SELECT PAPYRI. In five volumes. III: Literary Papyri. Poetry. Texts, translations and notes by D.L. Page. Heinemann, London, 1962. XIX,618p. Reprint rev.ed.1942. Cloth wrps. Series: Loeb Classical Library, 360. € 16.00 (Antiquarian)